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I get a lot of email. Unfortunately, my life is consumed by work and other hobbies and I can't respond to every email, so don't feel bad (or mad) if I don't reply. Chances are your question can be answered in the FAQ below, so please read it before contacting me.

Q: Who runs this site?

A: Not Hum...I'm just a fan and a friend of the band. My name is MJ. If you email me, please keep in mind you are not emailing Hum, and I will not forward your emails to the band. They don't have an email address for fan mail at this time.

Q: How can I contact Hum?

A: If you are interested in booking Hum for a reunion show, please contact The Windish Agency. If you have some sort of other official business, email me, tell me what's up, and I might be able to help.

Q: When is Hum going to play another reunion show?

A: I don't know, but I will surely make a big fuss about it on this site's homepage, forums, Twitter, Facebook (FYI, I don't run the Facebook page), etc. when I do know. Emailing me 100 times isn't going to make it happen any sooner.

Q: Where can I buy Hum merchandise like t-shirts, posters, and rare collectibles?

A: Sometimes there is merch available on Matt's Earth Analog Records site. They also usually have new t-shirts and posters available at their reunion shows. Otherwise, Ebay is your best bet, but watch out for fake goods. You can try posting in the forums if you are looking to buy or sell something in particular.

Q: Will Hum ever release any new albums?

A: Probably not, though I heard some rumors about them possibly wanting to record a couple of their unreleased DIH-era demo songs...but as far as I know, that never happened.

Q: Can you email me [album] or [single]?

A: No. Check the downloads section and see if I've already made it available. If not, you're on your own!

Q: How does Hum feel about having their albums (illegally) shared via Bittorrent or Limewire? Can I share my Hum albums this way?

A: I don't know if they care about things like that or not. Neither the band nor their representatives have ever asked me to remove these downloads.

Q: How/what can I contribute to your site?

A: I could always use more high resolution (300dpi or better) scans of rare cover art or posters, as well as any cool photos or videos you might have. I'm particularly interested in soundboard recordings, demos, and high quality copies of their music videos. Feel free to email me if you have anything to contribute! Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Q: Why should I bother donating money to your site?

A: You shouldn't, unless you want to. It's a tip jar. I've kept this site online for over a decade and poured countless hours of my own time into it. Nobody's paying me to do this, but the expenses are mine. This site will continue to be here regardless, but the option is there if you'd like to help out with the ongoing maintenance costs!

Are you a generous humanitarian? Long-time fan of the site? Consider making a donation to Mission Control.

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